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What are we Learning?

Friday 19th July 2024

In English this week, we have continued to focus on the animation, Tadeo Jones. The children recounted key moments from the short film in the form of a diary entry.  

In Maths, we have completed a mini-topic focusing on statistics. The children interpreted the data presented in pictograms and bar charts initially. They then tried hard to represent data in the form of pictograms and bar charts as well.

In Science, we have focused on shadow formation. The children investigated the difference in shadows created by opaque, translucent and transparent materials.











Friday 12th July 2024

In English this week, we have focused on the animation, Tadeo Jones, in its entirety. The children created storyboards to capture the key events in the story.

In Maths, we have continued to focus on properties of shape. The children became acquainted with the terms ‘parallel’ and ‘perpendicular’ before considering parallel and perpendicular lines in 2D shapes.

In DT, the children created the shell structures that they worked hard to design. They also added finishing touches to their products. 
















Friday 5th July 2024

In English, we focused on the opening scenes of the animation, Tadeo Jones. The children have developed their use of descriptive detail while describing the tomb that Tadeo Jones found himself in.

In Maths, we have begun to focus on the properties of shapes. The children have investigated right angles and have also compared the size of angles using the terms: acute, obtuse and right angle.

In PE, we have continued with our topic, focusing on rounders. The children played a simplified version of the traditional game in order to practise their overarm and underarm throwing as well as their catching skills.











Friday 28th June 2024

In English, we have concluded our learning relating to the traditional tale, The Egyptian Cinderella. During the course of the week, the children drew on their understanding of the text in order to plan and write an adaptation of the story.

In Maths, we also completed our final lessons in our time topic. This week, the children continued to focus on durations of time and also considered the relationship between minutes and seconds.

In Science this week, we learnt about how light is reflected from surfaces and used the context of designing book bags to support our learning. The children tested different materials to find out which ones were good at reflecting light and then incorporated the most successful in their designs. 











Friday 21st June 2024

In English, we have turned our attention to the picture book, The Egyptian Cinderella. Having listened to the traditional tale, the children wrote discussion texts in response to the question, Is the ending of the story a happy one for Rhodopis?  

In Maths, we have continued to focus on time. The children considered the relationship between hours, days, months and years and calculated durations of time as well.

So far in our DT topic, we have investigated the nets of shell structures by taking apart different types of packaging in order to learn how they were constructed as well as how they were strengthened. This week, the children worked hard to create their own nets from the templates provided. 











Friday 14th June 2024

In English, we have read the remainder of Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures – The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery. During the week, the children recounted key events from the story in the form of a diary entry as well as a newspaper report.

In Maths, we have continued to focus on time. The children have learnt to read digital times as well as distinguish between a.m. and p.m.

In Science, we have reached the end of our topic, Plants. In our final lesson, the children explained the main stages in the life cycle of a flowering plant.











Friday 7th June 2024

In English, we have become reacquainted with Flat Stanley while reading the opening chapters of Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures – The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery. The children built upon their understanding of Egypt while retrieving details from the part of the story that described Stanley’s initial encounters in the country.  

In Maths, we have continued to focus on time. The children consolidated their understanding of learning to tell the time to the minute and also learnt to read digital times.

In History, we have been learning about ancient Egyptian pastimes. The children had a go at playing a version of an ancient Egyptian board game called Senet. Senet was played with a board and counters which were often made from stones or bones. Players would throw sticks to see how many spaces to move, but we used dice instead!











Friday 24th May 2024

In English, we have turned our attention to the picture book, Miu and the Pharaoh. The children have focused on using expanded noun phrases to describe the cat, Miu, as well as descriptive detail in order to depict the palace gardens.

In Maths, we have begun a new topic, focusing on time. The children have learnt to identify Roman numerals to 12 as well as read times to the minute.

In Art, we have been learning about Egyptian death masks. The children designed their own masks and then created them with clay. 













Friday 17th May 2024

In English, we have continued to focus on the picture book, Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx. At the beginning of the week, the children created explanation texts to describe how Ra’s sun boat operates. They then moved on to focus on the Sphinx as it is a key feature within the text. Having researched the stone monument, the children created fact files in order to share their learning with others. 

In Maths, we have continued to learn about money. The children focused on adding and subtracting amounts of money as well as calculating change.

In Science, the children set up an experiment in order to investigate the way in which water is transported within plants. They will observe the transportation of coloured water as it moves through the stems of celery. 












Friday 10th May 2024

In English, our learning has continued to focus on the picture book, Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx. The children adopted a viewpoint when recounting the rescue of Marcy’s father in the form of a diary entry. They also researched the gods and goddesses that appear in the text before creating Top Trump cards for each of them.   

In Maths, we have moved onto learning about money. The children focused on converting pounds and pence as well as adding amounts of money.

In Art, we have been focusing on Egyptian Art and learning to use different mediums to draw faces. This week, the children explored different ways to use charcoal when drawing faces. 











Friday 3rd May 2024

In English, our learning has centred around the opening pages of the picture book, Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx. The children used descriptive detail while describing Marcy’s journey to the Sphinx and her encounter with Thoth. They also used expanded noun phrases when writing character descriptions for the god, Ra.

In Maths, we have continued to learn about fractions. The children have calculated unit fractions of an amount, e.g. ¼ of 16, as well as non-unit fractions of an amount, e.g. ¾ of 16.

In RE, we have been learning about Hindu gods and goddesses. The children discovered how Hindus express their faith through dance. They also learnt about different dance moves and combined these together to make their own routines to represent the different Hindu gods and goddesses. 






Friday 26th April 2024

In English, our learning has continued to focus on Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhyme - Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. The children began the week by imitating Roald Dahl’s style while creating their own revolting rhymes and then they moved onto researching wolves in order to produce fact files about the canine creatures.

In Maths, we have returned to learning about fractions. Building on their prior learning, the children have added and subtracted fractions with the same denominators.

In Science, the children worked collaboratively in groups to set up an investigation in response to the research question, ‘How much water do plants need?’. The children will use their knowledge relating to volume while watering the plants on a regular basis. They will also record their observations relating to the growth of the plants. 





Friday 19th April 2024

In English, our learning has focused on Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhyme - Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. The children included relevant details when they assumed the role of Mrs Wolf and created missing posters to help find her poor, misunderstood son. They also recounted events from Little Red Riding Hood’s perspective in the form of a letter.

In Maths, we have moved onto learning about capacity and volume. The children drew on their knowledge of interpreting scales while measuring volume and capacity using millilitres as well as litres and millilitres.  

In Art, we have continued to focus on Quentin Blake’s unique style. The children emulated his line drawings when replicating characters from Roald Dahl’s books.












Thursday 28th March 2024

In English, the children became journalists this week in order to recount the actions of Boggis, Bunce and Bean from Roald Dahl’s, Fantastic Mr Fox. While working in role, they reported on the farmers’ attempts to capture Mr Fox by digging a huge crater using machinery.

In Maths, we have continued our learning journey for mass. The children measured mass using kg and g, compared the mass of objects as well as added and subtracted mass.

After weeks of preparation and rehearsals, the children performed fantastically at our Year 3 and Year 4 Musical Extravaganza! They should all be very proud of their efforts!












Friday 22nd March 2024

In English, our learning has continued to focus on the chapter book, Fantastic Mr Fox. The children considered different viewpoints while writing a discussion text in response to the question: Is it acceptable for Mr Fox to steal from Boggis, Bunce and Bean?

In Maths, we concluded our learning relating to fractions by focusing on equivalent fractions. We have now turned our attention to mass and capacity. The children consolidated their learning from Year 2 by calculating the mass of objects in grams.

The children were very excited when the school’s chicks paid a visit to our class this week. They enjoyed taking turns holding them.










Friday 15th March 2024

In English, our learning has focused on Roald Dahl’s, Fantastic Mr Fox. Having read the opening chapters, the children used descriptive detail when creating wanted posters for Mr Fox.

In Maths, the children have continued to learn about fractions. This week, they have practised placing fractions on a number line as well as identifying equivalent fractions using number lines.  

In Science, the children set up practical enquiries in order to test the strength of magnets. They tried hard to control variables while testing the magnets in pairs.  












Friday 8th March 2024

In Maths, the children have built upon their learning relating to fractions while focusing on non-unit fractions, e.g. two thirds, three fifths and four sixths. The children focused carefully on the numerators and denominators while comparing and ordering the non-unit fractions.

Along with the rest of the school, we celebrated World Book Day on Thursday. The children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book characters. Our learning was predominantly focused around Roald Dahl’s, The Enormous Crocodile. The children assumed the role of the crocodile while writing letters to friends and they also created pieces of artwork based on the crocodile.

Friday 1st March 2024

This week, the children’s learning has predominantly focused on our school’s dedicated week to science. In conjunction with Science Week, the children learnt about the work of prominent female Filipino scientists in English. Having researched the achievements of their chosen scientists, the children created fact files to inform others about their worthy accomplishments. The children also undertook a variety of investigations in order to support the development of their working scientifically skills. They enjoyed setting up their own tests in order to identify whether an egg can be dropped without breaking it!

In Maths, the children’s learning has focused on unit fractions, e.g. one half, one quarter and one eight. The children initially focused on understanding the denominators of unit fractions before moving onto comparing unit fractions.










Friday 23rd February 2024

In English, we have turned our attention to the chapter book, The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me. The children created persuasive posters to publicise the incredibly talented Ladderless Window-Cleaning Company. They also included pertinent details when devising wanted posters for ‘The Cobra, the cleverest and most dangerous cat-burglar in the world’.

In Maths, the children applied their learning relating to length while learning about perimeter. They worked hard to measure and calculate the perimeter of a variety of shapes.

In Science, the children explored magnetic and non-magnetic materials through the book, The Iron Man. Having discovered that the Iron Man is only able to eat magnetic materials, they tested a variety of objects and then wrote a letter to him in order to explain what he should and shouldn’t eat.





Friday 9th February 2024

The children have enjoyed celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week as well as this year’s theme, Your Voice Matters, in a variety of ways. The children particularly enjoyed considering how they could use their collective voice to bring positive changes to our school community.

This week, our learning in English has linked to Children’s Mental Health Week as we have focused upon the picture book, Children Who Changed The World – Incredible True Stories About Children’s Rights. The children discovered how Michaela Mycroft stood up for her rights as well as the rights of other children in Cape Town. They then planned and wrote biographies in order to share Michaela’s key achievements with others.

In Maths, the children have built upon their learning relating to length.  They practised converting between units of measure before moving on to adding and subtracting lengths.





Friday 2nd February 2024

In English, our learning has continued to focus upon the e-book, A Place for Plastic. The children’s final task of the topic involved planning and writing a letter to our local MP, Rob Butler. Their formal letters highlighted the urgent need to address plastic pollution in our oceans.

In Maths, we have begun a new topic focusing on length. The children initially revisited their Year 2 learning while measuring in centimetres and then they moved onto measuring in millimetres as well as centimetres and millimetres.

As part of our Science topic, Forces, the children experimented with magnets this week. They observed how magnets attract or repel each other.











Friday 26th January 2024

In English, our learning has continued to focus upon the e-book, A Place for Plastic. The children spent the first part of their week writing short stories to recall the journey of the plastic bag that features in the text. They then turned their attention to informing others about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

In Maths, the children began the week by exploring remainders. They then drew on their knowledge of multiplication in order to solve problems involving scaling as well as to explore combinations using a systematic approach. 

In DT, the children are learning about mechanisms. This week, they followed instructions to make lever and linkage mechanisms.





Friday 19th January 2024

In English, our learning has continued to focus on the wordless picture book, Out of the Blue. A Giant Pacific Octopus features heavily in the story, so the children moved their attention to researching the creature before creating a fact file to inform others about this species of octopus.

In Maths, the children’s learning has focused on dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number using the expanded method. The children have drawn on their ability to partition as well as their times table knowledge while solving calculations.

This week, the children consolidated their Science home learning, focusing on how bones and muscles work together to create movement. They created their own scientific models of the upper arm muscles and then used these to support their explanations of how the biceps and triceps work.











Friday 12th January 2024

It has certainly been a strange week as we have had to return to home learning due to the power outage at school! The Year 3 Team are extremely proud of the way in which the children have adapted to learning from home.

In English, our learning has focused on the wordless picture book, Out of the Blue. The children worked in role as one of the main characters while recounting events from the story in the form of a diary entry. They also wrote short stories based on key events that occur in the text.

In Maths, children’s learning has focused on multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number using the expanded method. The children have drawn on their times table knowledge while solving calculations.

In Geography, the children completed the first lesson of our new topic, Oceans and Plastic Pollution, and considered the role that the oceans have in our lives. They began by recording their existing thoughts about what the ocean means to them as well as what the ocean provides humans and animals with. They also recorded five fascinating facts that they had discovered having read the fact sheet. Why do oceans matter?

Friday 15th December 2023

In English, we have focused on the animation, Sprout Boy. Brussels sprouts aren’t considered as a vegetable of choice by the characters that feature so the children created persuasive posters to promote the positives to be gained from eating them.

In Maths, we have concluded our topic focusing on multiplication and division. The children focused on multiplying and dividing by 8 before investigating the relationship between the 2-, 4- and 8-times tables.

We investigated how the human skeleton allows movement during Science this week. The children worked in teams to investigate whether there is a correlation between the length of a person’s femur and the distance they can jump.









Friday 8th December 2023

In English, we concluded our unit of work focusing on the chapter book, Flat Stanley. The children planned and wrote their own adaptations based on the original tale.

In Maths, we have continued to learn about multiplication and division. This week, the children focused on multiplying and dividing by 4. They successfully employed different strategies in order to support their learning.

In Science, we explored different skeleton types. In order to learn how to distinguish between animals with endoskeletons, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons, the children studied an e-book with relevant information. They then categorised a range of animals according to their skeleton types.













Friday 1st December 2023

In English, our learning has continued to link to the Famous Museum of Art which features in our class text, Flat Stanley.  Having collected and recorded ideas about the Famous Museum of Art last week, the children created information pages in order to inform others about the venue.

In Maths, we have continued our learning journey relating to multiplication and division. The children have focused on strategies to support their learning when multiplying and dividing by 3 or 4.

This week, we created our own snack bars in DT. The children made sure that they cooked safely by washing their hands, wearing aprons and keeping their distance from the oven.




Friday 24th November 2023

In English, our learning has linked to the Famous Museum of Art which features in our chapter book, Flat Stanley.  The children used expanded noun phrases to describe Stanley disguised as a shepherdess while trying to catch the sneak thieves. The children also collected and recorded ideas about the Famous Museum of Art in preparation for informing others about the venue.

In Maths, our learning has continued to focus on multiplication and division. This week, the children used their knowledge of counting in threes in order to multiply by 3. They also used grouping and sharing in order to divide by 3.

In PE, the children focused on passing, footwork and shooting while playing small-sided games of netball. They also tried hard to demonstrate team work during the lesson.











Friday 17th November 2023

In English, our learning has continued to focus on the chapter book, Flat Stanley. The children have written from the perspective of both Stanley and Mrs Lambchop. While assuming the role of Stanley, the children wrote postcards to recount their adventures in California. While writing in the role as Mrs Lambchop, the children wrote a letter asking for advice regarding Arthur’s jealousy.

In Maths, our focus has moved onto multiplication. The children began the week by revisiting equal groups and arrays. Their learning then moved on to identifying multiples of 2, 5 and 10.

In Computing, we have been learning about stop-frame animation. This week, the children planned their own stories and then began to animate them using an app called iMotion. The children have learnt about why it is important to keep the camera steady when taking photos.












Friday 10th November 2023

In English, we have turned our attention to the chapter book, Flat Stanley. Having discovered some of Stanley’s pursuits after being flattened by a bulletin board, the children enjoyed considering the advantages and disadvantages of being flat. They devised some very creative ideas that they’d like to pursue if they were flat!

In Maths, we have completed our final lessons in our addition and subtraction topic. The children explored how to estimate answers to addition and subtraction calculations using ‘near numbers’. The children also identified the relationship between addition and subtraction when investigating inverses.

In DT, we began our new topic focusing on healthy and varied diets. The children tasted some shop-bought snack bars as they will be creating their own healthy snack bars soon. They scored each of the bars tasted one out of ten based on their appearance, taste and texture.





Friday 3rd November 2023

In English, our learning has focused on Ruby Bridges. The children began the week by analysing a series of photographs depicting her as a young girl while responding to the question, Who is Ruby Bridges? Having pieced together clues presented in the photographs and made inferences, the children read the picture book, The Story of Ruby Bridges. Using their knowledge of the text, the children then created questions for Ruby Bridges before including selected questions in a short letter to the American civil rights activist.   

In Maths, we are nearing the end of our addition and subtraction topic. The children focused on adding a two-digit number to a three-digit number using formal written methods as well as subtracting a two-digit number from a three-digit number using formal written methods. They also explored complements to 100, e.g. 45 + 55 = 100.

In History, the children researched the features of an Iron Age hillfort. They then worked collaboratively in teams of three in order to create a design for an Iron Age hillfort. The children will create their models next week.











Friday 20th October 2023

In English, we have focused on the picture book, The First Drawing. A woolly mammoth is central to the story and the children worked hard to describe the prehistoric creature using expanded noun phrases. They then moved their attention to researching woolly mammoths before creating fact files to inform others about the extremely large animals.  

In Maths, the children have continued to focus on the addition and subtraction of 3-digit numbers using formal written methods. They worked hard to exchange when adding and subtracting - even when this proved challenging at times.

In Art, the children created cave walls using couscous and red lentils. They then added a cave style painting to their artwork using the paints they had made from flour, water and spices.













Friday 13th October 2023

In English, our learning has continued to focus on the picture book, Stone Age Boy. The children began the week by planning their own stories about a child who travels back in time to the Stone Age. They then referred to their plans while writing their own short stories.

In Maths, the children have moved forward with their learning relating to the addition and subtraction of 3-digit numbers as they have focused on using formal written methods. The children have continued to use place value boards and counters to support them in their learning.

In RE, we have been learning about how Hindus celebrate Diwali. We have learnt about the story of Rama and Sita as well as how Diva lamps were lit to guide them on their journey home. This week, the children painted and decorated their own Diva lamps.












Friday 6th October 2023

In English, our learning has moved on to focus on the picture book, Stone Age Boy. The children used descriptive detail to describe the Stone Age camp that the boy encountered. They also tried hard to use a thesaurus to strengthen their word choices.

In Maths, we have continued to learn about addition. The children added 1-digit numbers to 3-digit numbers across a ten (e.g. 378 + 5) and they also added multiples of 10 to 3-digit numbers across a hundred (e.g. 460 + 80).

During art lessons this half-term, we have been exploring prehistoric paintings. The children began by learning about the different techniques Stone Age people used and then moved on to learn about drawing line animals. This week, the children used charcoal to create their animal line drawings. 






Friday 29th September 2023

In English, our learning has continued to focus on the picture book, Ug. This week, the children investigated the purpose of speech bubbles within a comic strip as well as the correct use of speech punctuation using inverted commas. Using speech punctuation correctly proved tricky, but the children worked hard to use our top tips to help them achieve success.

In Maths, our learning has moved on to focus on addition and subtraction. The children used place value boards and counters while adding ones, tens and hundreds to 3-digit numbers.

We were very proud of the children’s performance of the poem, Harvest time is here again, during our Harvest assembly yesterday. Their time spent rehearsing both at home and at school resulted in a very polished performance!

In History, the children researched the discoveries found at Skara Brae using iPads. This helped them to understand the way people lived in the Late Stone Age.











Friday 22nd September 2023

In English, our learning has moved on to focus on the picture book, Ug. The children compared their lives with the life of the fictional character, Ug. They also wrote letters to Ug in order to describe our way of life in the 21st century.

In Maths, we have continued with our place value topic. The children focused on using place value charts and counters to find 1, 10 or 100 less than a number. As well as this, they returned to learning about number lines again this week but extended their knowledge by focusing on number lines to 1000.

While investigating how the three main types of rocks are formed in Science, the children made chocolate rocks. The experiment helped them to visualise the rock cycle.












Friday 15th September 2023

In English, our learning has continued to focus on the picture book, How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. This week, the children have investigated imperative verbs, prepositions and the features of instructional texts. The children’s preparatory work will be put to good use next week when they write their own set of instructions for washing a woolly mammoth.

In Maths, we have continued to learn about place value. The children concentrated on partitioning numbers to 1000 including using flexible partitioning.

While learning about the properties of rocks in Science, the children conducted a scratch test and a rub test in order to identify a suitable material for a paved area. Having completed their testing, they all concluded that granite would be a strong and hard-wearing material.









Friday 8th September 2023

The children have impressed us with their transition into Key Stage 2 this week. They have worked hard to demonstrate the 5Rs as well as achieve success in their learning.

In English, our learning has focused on the picture book, How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. Having read and understood the text, the children sequenced the main events from the story while creating a story map. They then used their story maps to support their written retellings of the story.

In Maths, our learning has focused on place value. The children partitioned numbers to 100, e.g. 78 = 70 + 8 and also positioned numbers on a number line.

We began our Science topic, Rocks, by considering what the children already know about rocks as well as what they would like to discover about rocks. The children then had the opportunity to make careful observations of a series of rocks in order to determine the appearance and texture of each.