Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
In 2011-2012 the Government launched its pupil premium funding. The pupil premium (PP) is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. Pupil Premium funding is awarded to any child who:
- Is eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) (different from the current hot lunches offered without charge to KS1 pupils) or has qualified for free school meals at any point in the past six years.
- Has been looked after under local authority care for more than one day or is adopted.
- Has a parent in the armed forces.
These pupils will receive additional support if the above conditions are registered with the school. If you think your child is eligible to receive Pupil Premium Funding, then please contact the school office and you can arrange to speak to a member of staff in confidence about this.
Pupil Premium Statement of intent
Caring, inspiring and achieving together means giving extra support to our disadvantaged children to help create equity. We use Pupil Premium to actively promote oracy and emotional regulation.
In order to do this we are promoting both oracy and emotional regulation.
We have Languagelink and Neli available for our EYFS and KS1 pupils.
We also have Speechlink for all our pupils
We are committed to developing oracy in the classroom in these ways: whole class reading, comprehension activities, key language explicitly taught and displayed, talk partners.Use of meta-cognition strategies.
We also teach emotional regulation throughout EYFS, Nurture Group in Year 1 and 2, Time to talk and social groups in KS2. We also offer Lego Therapy and zones of regulation to children who are showing higher levels of need so children learn to understand how their own bodies are responding to different challenges and environments. We then teach a range of strategies that may help children to regulate themselves.
We have purchased Shine resources to target support for children who have been identified as not making expected progress during “lockdown” to provide extra, targeted interventions.