Year 5
Welcome to Year 5.
Mrs Reed is our class teacher and we have Miss Telfer and Miss Sims helping us out in class.


Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant
PE Days
We have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. PE kit will need to be kept in school during the week, and we will change for PE before the lesson. PE kits can be brought home on a Friday to be washed and sent back to school. ALL PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half-term.
Spellings are set on a Thursday each week and tested the following Thursday. Spellings will be found on Google Classroom and on the school website. A copy will also be given to the children.
Homework is set on a Thursday using Google Classroom. It will need to be completed and submitted on Google Classroom on a Tuesday.
The children are expected to read 4-times per week in Year 5. This needs to be recorded in the reading record book sent home and will be checked each week in school. Reading record books will need to be in school on a Tuesday, although it is useful to have them in school every day for any notes or additional reading.