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Daily Updates

Updates on the children's progress will be updated daily and a link given to a Google Photos album for each day of the trip. Please note that photos will be uploaded periodically throughout the day by staff when they are not engaged in looking after the children. This will be during the day when staff have phone signal or after 6pm when they have returned to CRS Adventures and have a good WiFi signal. 

DAY 1 Monday 20th May 2024 - Our River Dart Residential departed school at 7.40am this morning and the children were all in very high spirits despite the early start! Having stopped at Gordano Services in Bristol for a brief comfort break, they were back on the road again at 11am. The coach arrived safely this afternoon at 12.45pm and the group will be having a tour followed by a game of Round Robin this afternoon and a 'Mini Olympics' event this evening. 

If you would like to see some photographs of the childrens' adventures on Day 1 then please click on the link below where photographs will be uploaded periodically by accompanying staff members.

Day 1 Google Photos:

Day 1 Summary from Staff: We've had a brilliant first day. We arrived safely and after having a tour of the site and being given dorm and safety rules, we set off on the Round Robin activities. We have been on assault courses and got very wet in the river. It's safe to say everyone was very brave and had fun! We're now looking forward to some dinner and then Mini Olympics.


DAY 2 Tuesday 21st May 2024 - After a good night's sleep the children are all excited about the day ahead. 

If you would like to see some photographs of the childrens' adventures on Day 2 then please click on the link below where photographs will be uploaded periodically by accompanying staff members.

Day 2 Google Photos:

Day 2 Summary from Staff: It's been a very busy day. This morning we started with the first cooked breakfast of the week. All the children were fed well and ready for the day! The sun shone for the whole morning and we enjoyed raft building and raft races and games. 

After a bit of a thunderstorm this afternoon, the clouds cleared again and we had fun conquering the high ropes. 

This evening we have been to the bouldering room to test our skills. 

Silly questions of the day include: 'Do we need to take soap into the shower?'


DAY 3 Wednesday 22nd May 2024 - Despite bad weather across the River Dart region today activities have continued as planned! The groups have been lucky enough however to have some nice weather between showers.

If you would like to see some photographs of the childrens' adventures on Day 3 then please click on the link below where photographs will be uploaded periodically by accompanying staff members.

Day 3 Google Photos:

Day 3 Summary from Staff: It's been a very soggy day but we've all been absolute troopers and activities carried on as normal.

We spent the day in our groups hiking with various stops for games and activities then doing some rock climbing. We got absolutely soaked but everyone remained in good spirits. The children were brilliant at cheering each other on and encouraging the more nervous ones. We stopped for lunch and had a typically British picnic at the top of a hill in the pouring rain.

This evening we enjoyed a night by the campfire building shelters and singing songs...mainly led by the Girl Guides but with quite a tuneful instructor too!


DAY 4 Thursday 23rd May 2024

If you would like to see some photographs of the childrens' adventures on Day 4 then please click on the link below where photographs will be uploaded periodically by accompanying staff members.

Day 4 Google Photos:

Day 4 Summary from Staff: This morning we nearly got a perfect 10 for the girls' dorm inspection after one of the girls asked for a mop and dustpan and brush so they could perfect it! We're awaiting 10s all around in the morning!

We've had so much fun today doing the zip wiring and crate stacking, although we did have an interesting rescue of a coat sleeve from the zip wire.

Canoeing and kayaking was also a great laugh. One of the girls managed to self-sacrifice and capsize Mr Griffiths! It's safe to say everybody got very wet.

Dessert was a hit this evening - chocolate brownies, ice cream and whipped cream- yum!


DAY 5 Friday 24th May 2024

If you would like to see some photographs of the childrens' adventures on their final day then please click on the link below where photographs will be uploaded periodically by accompanying staff members.

Day 5 Google Photos: