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What are we Learning?

Friday 19th July 2024

Wow, what a week we have had! Our last full week has been packed with fun and activity. We have performed our end of year production 'I'm an eleven-year-old. Get me out of here!' to the school and to various family members. We hope you all enjoyed it. Many thanks to all the parents who provided fantastic costumes.

This week, we have also been treated to a concert performed by teachers from Aylesbury Music Centre. It was interesting to hear about different orchestral instruments and to see them played by experts.

On Thursday, we had a day of DT, making toys using cams. We learnt that different cams can make different movements.

The week ended with Sports Day. At the time of writing, the winner has not been announced. It is the taking part that counts but, as we all learnt the hard way on Sunday evening, winning is nice too!

Well done Year 6. You have been a joy and a pleasure to work with. 


Friday 12th July 2024

This week, we have been exploring different number patterns in maths. We have calculated in our head and then checked these using various methods. We explored patterns when dividing 3-digit numbers.

In English, we have been writing 'Choose Your Own' adventure stories where the reader can choose different options. We have planned these carefully and started to write them on the iPads so that we can add hyperlinks to different slides.

On Thursday morning, we thoroughly enjoyed the transition games at the John Colet School. We enjoyed talking to new people from different schools and participating in a range of sports including Frisbee, volleyball and cricket. We enjoyed seeing so many parents at our Art and DT showcase this week too.



Friday 5th July 2024

We have enjoyed hearing all about the exciting days our year 6 children have had at their new secondary schools this week. We also enjoyed practising our sign language on Deaf Awareness Day on Friday.

Friday 28th June 2024

This week, we have continued writing poetry. The theme we have been using is 'self portrait'. There have been some incredibly thoughtful poems which some children have been kind enough to share with the rest of the class too.

In maths, we have investigated a number of patterns including the Fibonacci sequence and Pythagoras' Theorem for right-angled triangles. We enjoyed being able to use calculators to work out the square root of numbers for Pythagoras.

This week, we have had our first run through of the end of year production without using our scripts. The children are all to be congratulated on learning the words to the songs and the lines for the speaking parts.

Friday 21st June 2024

This week, we have been writing poetry based on objects that have special meaning to us. Some of the writing brought tears to our eyes as it was so emotional, especially the poems about photographs and well-loved teddy bears.

In maths, we have continued our work on budgeting, and we have learnt about exchange rates. We have also used spreadsheets to plan budgets.

In computing, we have used a new app to write programs for microbits. We made the lights flash to spell our names and create flashing heart images.



Friday 14th June 2024

This week, some of us have met with teachers from our new secondary schools and had the opportunity to ask questions about the transition days and routines for September. We have also had a run through of our end of year production which is now starting to come together.

In maths, we have been using our arithmetic skills to make decisions about the costs involved when planning a holiday. We have also looked at climate data and discussed how this could influence our decisions about our planned destinations.

In English, we have finished watching the film, Ruin. We have written accounts to build tension and excitement during a race scene, using a variety of techniques.

Friday 7th June 2024

This week, we have returned to lots of learning following our exciting River Dart and Activity weeks.

In maths, we have been looking at budgets and calculating how much to save once bills have been paid. We have also discussed mortgages and worked out percentages of amounts to be used as a deposit.

During English lessons, we have explored descriptive phrases based on the film,  Ruin. We have focused on different types of sentences and creating an effect on the reader.

We have completed our SRE lessons this week. The children have discussed the subject matter in a mature way and approached the lessons sensibly.



Friday 17th May 2024

This week, the year 6 children worked really hard to complete their SATs tests. They have been able to show everything they have learnt during KS2. We are glad they are now over, and we can look forward to next week.

We have continued with our coding work in computing, making our sprites talk and creating characters for our games. We have also played tennis in our games lesson, using the scoring system and practising forehands and backhands. 

There is no homework and there are no spellings for year 6 this week as they prepare for activity week and River Dart next week.

                    Friday 10th May 2024

This week, we have been continuing with our writing based on Tales from Outer Suburbia by Shaun Tan. We have written some 'strange' stories of our own.

In maths, we have been completing a range of problem solving questions in preparation for our SATs next week.

During computing, we added the function of 'score' on Scratch so that we could start creating our own games. We assigned different scores to different sprites and some of us made them move so that you have to hit a moving target to get as high a score as possible.


Friday 3rd May 2024

This week we have started reading 'Tales from Outer Suburbia' by Shaun Tan. We have discussed how the illustrations help us to understand the strange nature of some of the stories. We have identified how the author creates a feeling of 'strangeness' while also presenting the stories as if they are perfectly normal.

In maths, we have revised coordinates. We have solved problems involving missing coordinates and we have also used our knowledge of 2D shapes when drawing them on the x and y axes.

In science, we have used sweets to draw classification diagrams.


Friday 26th April 2024

During the week, we have been continuing to study Macbeth in English. We have written newspaper reports about the death of King Duncan. These have included reported and direct speech and formal language. We have taken care not to show bias.

In maths, we have continued our work on shape. We have calculated angles in quadrilaterals and other polygons. We have also drawn shapes accurately to specific lengths and angles.

Last Friday, we enjoyed a whole afternoon of play leader training with a visiting sports coach. We devised our own games and tried them out on each other, with a view to teaching them to some of the younger children in school.





Friday 19th April 2024

It is amazing that we have reached the summer term already! 

This week in English, we have started exploring the story of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, We have discussed the characters and the plot. We have also written poems in the style of the spell that the three witches chant at the start of the play.

In maths, we have been measuring and calculating angles. We have used our knowledge of shapes and different types of triangles to help us with this.

In art, we started to look at the work of Keith Haring and we tried to replicate some of his work in our sketch books.





Thursday 28th March 2024

Happy Easter! 

This week, we finished making our pizzas and when we completed our evaluations, most of us were very pleased with the results.

In English, we read The Highwayman poem and discussed the story it tells. We have written descriptions of the highwayman and also diary entries from one of the characters' points of view.

In our maths lessons, we have been interpreting data presented in different forms. We have learnt that we need to read the question carefully, so we know whether the answer should be given as a number, fraction or percentage. This is particularly true when looking at pie charts.


Friday 22nd March 2024

 This week, we loved being able to hold the chicks who have now returned to the farm. We have also started our pizza making in DT and hope that some of you at home have been able to taste the final product.

In maths, we have been calculating area and volume. We have used formulae to work out the area of different triangles and parallelograms. We have use cubes to help us find the volume of different 3D shapes.

In our English lessons, we compared the film of Holes to the novel. We have used a range of connectives and comparatives to structure our writing.  One of our main criticisms of the film was that the main character was not portrayed in the film as he is described in the book.





Friday 15th March 2024

During this week, some of us have been cycling in very wet weather as part of our bikeability training. We have also completed a number of practise  SATs tests in English and maths.

In our learning, we have started a topic on shape. We have revised how to find area and perimeter and have been using our reasoning skills to solve problems and use formulae. 

In English, we have written the 'missing chapter' from our novel Holes, where Zero runs into the desert and somehow manages to survive. In the novel, there is a period of time where Zero's adventures are not described and we only meet him again when Stanley finds him.

This week, we have discussed immunisation as part of our skills for life topic and we have also considered how peer pressure can influence our decisions.




Friday 8th March 2024

This week, we have been planning and writing a discussion text about whether boys should be sent to Camp Green Lake, using what we now know about the 'camp' as we come to the end of our class novel. We have discussed persuasive techniques and also how to write without showing bias.

In Maths, we have calculated percentages of amounts. We have related percentages to decimals and fractions. Over this term, we have been practising this in our fluency sessions and have become proficient in calculating 10% first and then using this to complete further questions.

On Thursday, we had an action-packed day celebrating World Book Day. We carried out activities based on the book FArTHER where a man tries to build a flying machine. We also took part in an online quiz and enjoyed ringing the bell for the whole school to indicate times for 'Drop Everything And Read'.





Friday 1st March 2024

We have thoroughly enjoyed Science week. 

In English, we have written a biography about Mary Leakey, a famous anthropologist. This linked in well with our topic on evolution. We found out that she had been expelled from 2 schools and as a result, failed to get into university. She had always found fossils fascinating and was fortunate to get a job as an illustrator on an archaeological dig.

As part of science week, we have attended 2 workshops and we also learnt a bit about biomedical science from a parent in year 5. As a class, we have explored magnets further, looked at how fruit floats and sinks in different liquids and we have also measured the height of the bounce of tennis balls, basketballs and netballs. We have definitely developed our observation skills this week.

In maths, we have learnt how to use long division to calculate decimal equivalents to fractions. We have also started a new topic on percentages.


Friday 23rd Febuary 2024

This week, we have been writing newspaper reports based on the crime committed in our novel. We have been using the passive voice and direct speech to report the events. The use of reporting language has been very impressive.

During maths, we have been multiplying and dividing decimals. Some of us have found the place value mats useful when multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We have also used our tables knowledge and mental arithmetic skills.

In other subjects, we have started new topics, including our DT project where we will be making pizzas. This week, we reserached different breads and compared cooking times, ingredients and quantities. We also set up mini experiments to show how yeast can produce a gas to help bread rise. The balloons on top of the bottles containing the yeast inflated fairly quickly in the warm classroom. 




Friday 9th February 2024

During Children's Mental Health Week, we have been considering how children around the world have made their voice heard in order to improve things for others. We have also been thinking about how we can make a difference to those around us.

During English, we have created brochures to advertise Camp Green Lake. When completing this activity, we have had to use our imagination and powers of persuasion. We have also considered the information that would be needed on a brochure and have looked at the brochure for the River Dart as inspiration.

In maths, we have calculated with decimals, including rounding, addition and subtraction.

Finally, on Friday, we had a day of art and music, focussed on the music of Bernstein from West Side Story. We created images of dance and made our own stop motion films.




Friday 2nd February 2024

This week, we have been painting our 3D sculptures in art, ready to mount onto the wooden blocks kindly provided by Mr Radcliffe. Some of us have even painted our figures to look like our parents!

In maths, we have continued our learning, using algebra to solve problems. It has been good to recognise that often there is more than one correct answer.

During English, we  used speech and action together to show the reader what the characters from the book are really like and to show their personalities. Some of us have explored the use of time shift and flashbacks within our writing. On Thursday, we enjoyed visiting the Roving Bookshop in school.




Friday 26th January 2024

This week in maths, we have started to learn about algebra. We have substituted numbers for letters into expressions which use the 4 operations. We have also used formulae to describe simple number patterns and sequences. This included representations using cubes and counters.

During English, we have written fact files about the Yellow-spotted lizard from our novel 'Holes'. We have used facts we have previously researched about lizards in general and have also used our imagination to add further details. Also in English, we enjoyed being able to ask Jess French, a visiting author, questions about the writing process.

In other lessons this week, we used modroc to cover our wire sculptures in art. We carried out an experiment in science to find out how birds have adapted their beaks to be able to make the most of the food that is available in their habitat.


Friday 19th January 2024

It has been lovely to see everyone back in school this week.

We have spent some time going through some of the maths questions which we found tricky during home learning and we have now completed our work on ratio. This has included adjusting recipes to cater for different numbers of people.

In English, we are enjoying reading Holes and this week, we have written some rules for Camp Green Lake and also a diary entry from Stanley’s point of view. It has been interesting to consider the backstory when Camp Green Lake actually had a lake.

During art, we used wire to create our human figures, ready to add Modroc over the next couple of weeks. We have also started to work together to research different biomes.


Friday 12th January 2024

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful break over the Christmas period,

It has been a challenging week for us all but it has been wonderful to see all the hard work that has been going on at home. When we were all in school last week, the children enjoyed starting to read our new novel, Holes by Louis Sachar. It was interesting to talk about the name of the main character, Stanley Yelnats, and the children enjoyed thinking of other words that are also palindromes (the same word heter you read it forwards or backwards).

In maths, the work on fractions last term has been a good foundation for the ratio work we have started this term. The children are showing a good understanding of scale factors in their shape drawings and we will go over any difficulties once we are all back in school.

Our art topic this term involves sculpture. Last week, the children drew human figures in their sketch books and it has been great to see these translated into 3D foil figures during the home learning. Well done everyone! H0pefully we will all see each other again very soon,




Friday 15th December 2023

As we count down the days until the Christmas break, we have been reading extracts from 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens. We have discussed the character of Scrooge and compared his outlook on life to that of his nephew. Some of the diary entries we have written are very impressive and use some of the vocabulary Scrooge may have used (including 'Bah, Humbug'!).

In Maths, we have moved on from fractions (finally!) and we have been converting units of measure, including miles and kilometres. Once again, we have recognised the importance of multiplication: both using our times tables and multiplying  by multiples of 10. 

In other subjects, we discussed our knowledge of continents and different ecosystems in preparation for next term's topic of 'Biomes'. We have also worked hard to complete our 'Make Do and Mend' projects in DT, re-using materials brought from home.  Many thanks to all the parents for sending in materials. Have a great Christmas!





Friday 8th December 2023

This week started on Monday with the exciting activity of making 220 Christingles ready for the church services on Tuesday. We enjoyed going to the church and putting sweets, candles and ribbons on the oranges provided by the church. It was lovely to then see all the other children enjoy seeing these at the services on Tuesday.

In both maths and English, we have completed assessment tests this week. In English, we have also been reading explanation texts and planning our own on a subject of our choice.

During our maths lessons, we solved a range of problems using all 4 operations with fractions as a finale to this topic. We will be revisiting fractions again and using our maths fluency sessions to keep reminding ourselves of the skills we have learnt.



Friday 1st December 2023

This week in maths we have been continuing our work on fractions, using reasoning and bar models to help us solve questions such as 2/5 of ? = 60. We have also played some fractions games, using our mental maths skills to beat our opponent.

In English, we watched a short film depicting a version of The Christmas Truce from WWI. We have taken part in role plays and written diaries and recounts. It has given us the opportunity to use our descriptive vocabulary and a range of different punctuation marks to help structure longer sentences.

In the lead up to the Christmas Fayre, we painted our tree decorations. We also enjoyed colouring the 3D name badges printed by Mr Webb from our Tinkercad designs. 





Friday 24th November 2023

During our English lessons this week, we have been writing instructions on how to behave during an air raid. We have also written in character, as Willie, writing a letter to persuade Mr Tom to collect him from London. We have discussed persuasive language as part of this.

This week in maths, we have progressed to multiplying and dividing fractions by integers and fractions. We have used diagrams to help us and we have identified patterns and simple rules to help us. Our tables knowledge has been invaluable.

We have started making our 'make do and mend' toys in DT this week. Half of us have started making our board games and half of us have started cutting out material for our stuffed toys.




Friday 17th November 2023

This week, we have been discussing different types of hurtful behaviour as part of our Skills for Life lessons. We discussed what to do about cyberbullying and how we can report people and block them, so they can't send hurtful messages. We also discussed the difference between aggressive and assertive behaviour. We formed freeze frames to show this (see the photos!)

In maths, we have been using our addition and subtraction skills to solve problems in evolving fractions. We are continuing to find common denominators to help us with this.

During our English lessons, while reading our novel, Goodnight Mr Tom, we found out that Willie's mother has asked him to return to London. We have used a thesaurus to improve our vocabulary, and we have considered how we can 'show not tell' as writers.


Friday 10th November 2023

 Year 6 have been busy remembering this week, using poetry to help them realise the horrors of war. We are incredibly proud of their mature attitude and heartfelt poetry. 

In maths, we have been continuing with fractions, which will continue to the end of this term. We have been adding and subtracting fractions, ensuring that the denominators are the same. We have also started to add mixed numbers. Children who can recall their times tables quickly are finding their skills and knowledge are proving very useful.

Science has been focussed on electricity. Year 6 have been thinking about variables and ways in which they can make a lightbulb either brighter or dimmer, within a given circuit. They are very good at generating imaginative hypotheses.



Friday 3rd November 2023

 This week, we have been comparing fractions in maths. We have compared them using < and > . We have looked at the numerators and the denominators and used our tables knowledge to find equivalent fractions.

In English, as part of Black History Month, we have been studying the life and achievements of Sir Mo Farah. We have watched a film clip of 'Super Saturday' from 2012 where he won one of his Olympic gold medals. We have then written news reports and included quotes from various people.

In other subjects, we have started to explore Tinkercad in computing, using this to create 3D models on the iPads. We have also discussed our DT project for this half-term and enjoyed learning how to play draughts. Some of us even carried on playing the game in our wet lunchtime.




Friday 20th October 2023

At the end of a busy half-term, we have had a good week. In English, we have been looking at the use of formal language through Neville Chamberlain's war speech. We have also watched the start of the film Goodnight Mr Tom and compared this to the novel. We have spotted lots of similarities and differences.

During maths, we finished our unit of work on numbers, and we investigated patterns in consecutive numbers. We found a link between the middle number and the total.

In History, we learnt how to use the pig pen code. We deciphered messages and wrote our own using this code. We recognise the importance of using codes during the Second World War. Have a lovely half-term break!



Friday 13th October 2023

This week in year 6, we have mastered BIDMAS (also known as BODMAS) and the children can now carry out calculations using the correct order. They should also be able to explain what BIDMAS stands for.

In English, we have been writing using different sentence starters such as adverbs, action and description. We have used our history knowledge to write vivid descriptions of a night in an air raid shelter.

In science we investigated shadows and their size compared to the position of the light source. As part of history, we made model spitfire planes and 'flew' them to see which would travel the furthest. Some of us had experimented at home and enjoyed a good deal of success!




Friday 6th October 2023

We have had another busy week in Year 6.

In maths, we have had to demonstrate resilience as we have been learning how to complete long division. Once again, our times tables knowledge has been invaluable. We have also solved problems using the 4 operations.

During English, we have written diary entries to reflect the change in Tom Oakley as he gets to know his evacuee, Willie Beech. We have continued to think about synonyms and the use of colons and semicolons.

In our Art lesson, we used watercolours to create colours with different shades and tints. We then tried to match the colours to those used in a series of war paintings. The children were also very good at clearing up after the painting session!




Friday 29th September 2023

This week, we have written and read a selection of poems during our school Harvest Festival. Many thanks for the donations that have been brought in.

During maths, we have been exploring the properties of numbers and calculating using multiplication and division. We have found our timetable knowledge a useful tool this week!

In English, we have read the chapter in our novel where an Anderson shelter is built, and we have written instructions based on this, using the features of the text and the correct level of formality. We have also written character descriptions of Zach, a colourful and interesting chap!

On Thursday, we took part in a safety session presented by staff from Hazard Alley in Milton Keynes. The children listened carefully and took part in the discussions sensibly. We also continued our cricket training lessons on Friday afternoon.


Friday 22nd September 2023

This week has been very exciting with the voting for some of the leadership roles in school. Well done to everyone who took the trouble to write letters. You all did a great job.

In our lessons, we have continued to read Goodnight Mr Tom. We have met some more of the characters and discussed how they may have been feeling. We have also looked at how semi-colons are used in our writing and many of us are using these in other subjects too now.

In maths, we have completed calculations using factors and multiples. We have found factor pairs and played games where we have to think of strategies to help us win. The teachers are impressed with the use of mathematical vocabulary this week.

In other subjects, we have explored perspectives in art and in RE we have talked about the 5 pillars of Islam. We took part in drama and role play, showing how we can help others less fortunate than ourselves.


Friday 15th September 2023

We have had a busy week in year 6 and we are very proud of how the children have approached the 11+. They have all worked very hard.

In our lessons, we have continued reading outclass novel and we have empathised with the different characters. We have discussed vocabulary which does not get used as often today such as 'wireless', 'jersey' and 'Mackintosh'. Lots of us have been keen to predict what is going to happen to Willie, the evacuee in the story.

During maths, we have ordered, compared and rounded large numbers. This has been largely revision and the children have shown a good understanding of place value up to 7 digits and beyond.

This week in science, we experimented with beams of light, using our torches. We tried to line up pieces of card with holes in so that the beam of light would reach a target. We have all thoroughly enjoyed the responsibility of helping the Reception children this week, particularly at lunchtimes when we have been able to eat with our buddies.


Friday 8th September 2023

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a lovely summer and are ready for an exciting year!

This week in English, we have started reading our class novel, Goodnight Mr Tom which is about a boy who is evacuated to the countryside during WWII. We have discussed how it might have felt for the children and have written first person accounts.

During maths, we have revisited place value and discussed numbers up to 10 million. We have ordered numbers and started solving problems using them. 

In our art lesson this week, we looked at paintings based on WWII and considered the light and dark shown. We worked hard to replicate some of the figures in the paintings using sketching pencils with impressive results.