Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Our teacher is Mrs Khan and we have Teaching Assistants Mrs Hutson and Mrs Danel to help us.


Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant
PE Days
We have PE on Wednesdays (swimming) and Fridays.
Reading Records
Children are expected to be reading at least four times per week and this should be recorded in their Reading Records. Children should bring in their Reading Records every day and these will be checked on a weekly basis. House points will be awarded each time a child has read.
Homework is set on Thursdays and should be completed and returned to school the following Tuesday. Children will also have a times table sheet to complete, in preparation for a times table test on a Wednesday. Spellings will be given on a Thursday and tested the following Thursday. Homework and spellings will both be set on Google Classroom for you to access. Please speak to a member of staff in our class if you need help using this platform.