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What are we Learning?

Friday 19th July 2024

This week we have been enjoying lots of learning. We have practised our maths fluency ready for year 2, checking our number bonds and addition and subtraction skills.

Our highlight of the week was our trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum. During the day, we learnt about Victorian toys, made bricks out of clay and met a very strict Victorian teacher! In the Victorian school, we were given slate boards to use, and we were also shown the punishments they used to use in Victorian times! The sun shone all day and an amazing day was had by all.



Last Friday KS1 had their Art and Music day. The day was themed around Bob Marley's 'Three Little Birds' and the children produced some fantastic artwork.



Friday 12th July 2024

This week, we have continued to work very hard on our English and Maths work.

In maths, we have focused on telling the time to the half hour. We have worked hard to identify o'clock and half past. We have also been brilliant at identifying different times of day and what time things happen. For example, we have lunch at 12 o clock.

In English we have been doing some amazing writing about a video called 'The Way Back Home' about a boy visiting the moon.

We have also enjoyed finishing some art work that we have proudly displayed at the Art and DT showcase. We are definitely budding artists!


Friday 5th July 2024

I was very proud to see how much the children enjoyed their transition day in Year 2 this week. They all did really well and showed resilience getting used to a new classroom and routines.

The children have also completed some work online and kept themselves very busy.

In maths this week, we have started to look at analog clocks and telling the time to the hour. The children have learnt about the hour and minute hands, identifying 'o'clock'.



Friday 28th June 2024

We have continued to be very resilient in the heat.

In English, we have re-told the story of Zahra, focusing on using interesting sentence openers like 'Unfortunately' and 'Luckily'. We have also continued to use interesting adjectives and work slowly to improve our presentation.

In maths, we have looked at days of the week and months of the year, solving different challenges with a calendar and ordering days and months.

We have been doing some geography this week, looking at countries in the UK and their capitals. We explored different maps and atlases, finding different places.


Some of us also had our first iRock session which was great fun!

Friday 21st June 2024

Finally, the sun has come out and it feels like summer!

In English, we watched a video about a girl called Zahra, who has to go and collect water every day. We described her appearance and personality.

In maths, we have identified coins and notes and focused on the value of money, combining some different amounts together.


In science, we planted some French beans in a bag, and we have been observing how they grow and keeping an eye on any small changes.

Friday 14th June 2024

This week, the children have continued to be very busy with their learning.

In maths, we have been making and comparing numbers to 100 using the greater than and less than symbols. We have also partitioned and order numbers while investigating using our problem solving skills.

In English, we have been reading the book 'Katie and the Starry Night' which is linked to our learning in art about Vincent van Gogh. We imagined we were inside a painting and wrote descriptive passages.

In science, we continued to investigate deciduous and evergreen trees, identifying different leaves too.


Friday 7th June 2024

This week it has been lovely to welcome the children back into school. 

In English, we have been learning to write information all about transport. We have compared old and new transport and learnt how to organise it into paragraphs.

In maths, we have learnt the value of numbers to 100, focusing on the tens and ones and partitioning. We have also looked at number lines to 100.

We particularly enjoyed our science lesson, looking at evergreen and deciduous trees - we even remembered the word 'deciduous' the next day!

Friday 17th May 2024

It has been another fun week in Year 1.

In English, we have been learning how to write information texts about imaginary creatures. We have seen fire dragons, pocket dragons and ice dragons!

In maths, we have been learning about quarters. We have learnt how to find a quarter of a shape and a quarter of a quantity. 

We really enjoyed our DT, learning how to use chopping skills safely to prepare for our fruit salad making!


Friday 10th May

We have finally seen some sunshine this week!

We have continued to work on our writing and have learnt about verbs and nouns.  We wrote some sentences using interesting verbs like 'dashed' and 'clambered' and we have started to write some interesting diary entries about a trip to London. We have also explored the spelling of words ending in 'ing' and 'er'.

In maths, we have started working on fractions. We have identified a half of a shape and a quantity and explored how halves have to be equal.

We really enjoyed our DT, tasting fruit ready to make a fruit salad.

In Skills for Life, we have focused on how we change as we get older, how people are different and different types of families. We have been very mature in displaying good listening and respect.

Friday 3rd May

In Year 1 this week we have continued working very hard.

In English, we have read the poem 'From a Railway Carriage' by Robert Louis Stevenson. We imagined our own train journey and wrote diary entries describing the sights and what we would be doing. We also learnt to use interesting verbs like 'darted' and 'clambered'. 

In maths, we have continued learning about making equal groups. We have also learnt to share amounts into equal groups, and we have completed lots of learning about arrays.


In science, we investigated the question 'Are all leaves green?' We collected lots of leaves and compared the shape, colour and structure, looking closely at the veins and stems. Then, we used filter paper to see if we could find any other colours in the green leaves.


Friday 26th April

This week, we have been doing lots of learning and kept very busy.

In English, we have planned and written our own stories based on Old Bear. We are trying to use sentence starters like 'Suddenly' and 'After a while' to make our writing more interesting. We have also learnt how to add 'er' and 'est' onto root words.

In maths, we have been learning repeated addition and focusing on equal groups. We have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to count groups of objects.


In Science, we looked at the structure of a flowering plant, and we learnt scientific words for them. We recreated our own plants in small groups.


Friday 19th April 2024

We have had a positive week returning to school. The children have all settled in well back to routines and expectations.

In English, we have been reading the book 'Old Bear' by Jane Hissey. We have made predictions and then started to work on a retelling of the story.

In Maths, we have been learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have looked at counting objects in 2s, 5s and 10s as well as identifying patterns in the number sequences.

In Science, we have started our topic on plants. We went on a scavenger hunt around the school grounds to see what plants and flowers we could find, as well as tree roots and leaves.

Thursday 28th March

In Year 1 this week, we have continued working hard and keeping very busy.

In English, we have been writing spooky stories based on a forest setting. We have used words like 'trembling' and 'gloomy' to make our stories scary for our readers.

In maths, we have been learning about mass. We have used weighing scales to compare the mass of objects using non-standard measures.


We also enjoyed our Science lesson this week investigating transparent, translucent and opaque materials.

We hope everyone has a lovely Easter break!

Friday 22nd March 2024

We have really enjoyed having the chicks in school this week and watching them hatch and grow.

In English, we have been writing postcards from different countries and continents, using our describing skills.

In maths, we have started learning how to measure. We focused on using the correct vocabulary, using objects to measure and we are beginning to use a ruler to measure objects.

In geography this week we became explorers! We looked at some of the equipment an exporer would have needed and we investigated different globes, maps and compasses.

Friday 15th March 2024

It's been another busy week in Year 1. Some of the children have enjoyed learning some balance biking skills this week!

In English, we have been writing our explorer stories. The children have been very creative and have been challenged to use lots of different types of punctuation.

In maths, we have been focusing on finding numbers on a number line and estimating where numbers belong. We have also continued focusing on problems with tens and ones.

We had fun in science this week designing and making an umbrella for a poor teddy. We chose suitable materials and then made our designs. We look forward to testing them next week.


Friday 8th March 2024

What an excellent time we had on World Book Day! On Thursday, the children enjoyed making mixed up fairytales, their own book covers and 'drop everything and read'. Everybody looked amazing as their characters too!

In English this week we have focused on creating our own explorer stories. We will continue to work on these next week.

In maths, we have been busy identifying tens and ones in numbers to 50 and making links with the value of known numbers.

Friday 1st March 2024

We have really enjoyed Science Week this week! Alongside some amazing science investigations, we have also kept up some hard work on our Maths and English.

In English this week, we have been learning about the famous explorer Amelia Earhart. We have written our very own biographies about her and her interesting life.

In maths, we have been focusing on fact families and related number facts and finding missing numbers in number sentences.

Our science week investigations have been very exciting! We have investigated the questions: Does the oldest child have the biggest feet? Is your sense of smell better when you can't see? How can we sort and record chocolate?

We also had a wonderful visit to the Wonderdome Planetarium!

Friday 23rd February 2024

In English this week, we have read the book 'Man on the Moon' by Simon Bartram. We have written recounts from the point of view of Bob, about his day on the moon. We have also designed our own theme parks on the moons with skater craters and moon slides!

Man on the Moon: a day in the life of Bob : Bartram, Simon, Bartram, Simon: Books

In maths, we have been working on subtraction. We have looked at different methods to subtract and find the difference.

In science, we have started to design our own umbrellas, thinking carefully about the materials that we could use.

Friday 9th February 2024

This week we have continued doing some amazing learning. In English, we have been creating information texts on Neil Armstrong. I was really impressed with the writing this week!

In maths, we have continued working on addition and subtraction stategies, as well as doubling.

This week it has been Children's Mental Health Week. The theme was 'Your Voice Matters'. We identified some positive and negative emotions and then we had a mini debate, using our voices in a positive way.

Friday 2nd February 2024

This week, in English we have been reading 'The Darkest Dark' by Chris Hadfield. We put ourselves in Chris's shoes and planned and wrote a diary entry pretending we were Chris.

In maths we have been using our addition skills to count on and make number sentences. We have been using a number line to add too. We also started to identify our number bonds to 20.

In science, we investigated different bridges. We explored how to make the strongest bridge out of paper and then tested it using vehicles.


Friday 26th January 2024

This week we have enjoyed lots of learning.

In English, we have read the story 'The Night Pirates.' We have mapped out and rewritten the story focusing on key details and description.

In maths, we have been ordering numbers and partitioning tens and ones.

In science, we have been exploring the properties of different materials. We have focused on some new words like 'rigid' and 'flexible'.

Friday 19th January 2024

Welcome back again! This week we have been wrapping up warm and getting on with lots of learning.

In English, we have developed our own pirate stories, adding in different locations to our  adventures, like mountains and bridges, forests, deserts and rivers.

In maths, we have been focusing on numbers on a number line and comparing numbers using the inequality symbols.

In computing this week, we explored how to use the Beebots. We learnt what a command was and how we can programme a simple device.

Friday 12th January 2024

Happy New Year! It has been a very strange start to the year with most of our learning having been completed at home. We are very impressed with the children's efforts with their home learning.

In English we have been focusing on pirate stories, describing pictures and writing captions, then planning and writing our own pirate stories.

In maths, we have been focusing on place value of numbers to 20, including making 20 in different ways and identifying numbers on a number line to 20.

We have also been enjoying doing some history, science and PE at home and have certainly kept ourselves very active.

Friday 15th December 2023

We are very much looking forward to our pantomime visit today!

This week we have continued working hard in Maths and English as well as putting on two amazing Nativity performances!

We have been writing adapted versions of The Three Little Pigs in English, focusing on describing the character and setting. 

In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of adding and subtracting.

We put on two wonderful Nativity performances. Well done to all involved!


Friday 8th December 2023

This week we have continued to work very hard in Year 1.

We have started reading 'The Jolly Christmas Postman' and have written our own traditional tales based on the characters. For example, we have seen the Big Bad Wolf visiting Hansel and Gretel and eating their gingerbread! In phonics, we have learnt the different sounds represented by 'ch'. 'Ch' in Christmas, 'ch' in 'chef' and 'ch' in 'chick'. 

In maths, we have focused on addition and subtraction, using shapes to represent numbers and balancing number sequences. For example, 6+1=3+4.

We really enjoyed our Christingle service at the church. We represented the school really well and were very respectful in our behaviour, walking to and from the church safely and sensibly. 

Friday 1st December 2023

In English this week we have continued reading 'Yours Sincerely, Giraffe.'. We wrote postcards from the point of view of the giraffe, describing the African savanna. We have also written replies from the Antarctic as the penguin.

In phonics, we have focused on the long vowel sounds 'a' in 'acorn', 'e' in 'equal', 'i' in 'lion', 'o' in 'hotel' and 'u' in 'unicorn'. 

During our maths lessons this week, we have been successful in continuing to investigate 2d and 3d shapes including making patterns and sorting.

We have enjoyed continuing to sing our hearts out during Nativity practice!

Last week, we really enjoyed our 'Great Fire of Stoke Mandeville'. It was a big success, and it spread just like the real thing.

Friday 24th November 2023

We have been productive in Year 1 this week, starting to practice our nativity. 

In English we have started to read the book 'Yours Sincerely, Giraffe', about a lonely giraffe who decides to write a letter. 

We planned and wrote a letter pretending to be the giraffe. We focused on asking questions and telling someone about ourselves. In phonics, we have learnt the 'ou' grapheme in words like 'shout' and 'sound'.

In maths we have started learning about 2d and 3d shapes. We have named and sorted common 2d and 3d shapes.

We are really looking forward to our Great Fire of London afternoon and we enjoyed baking our bread. Luckily, we didn't burn the school down like Thomas Farriner!

Friday 17th November 2023

This week, we have enjoyed focusing on Anti-Bullying Week. We have learnt about the differences between Hurtful Behaviour and Bullying whilst also discussing feelings involved with bullying.

In English, we have been learning how to write letters. We received an anonymous letter to King James I warning him about the Gunpowder Plot. We planned and wrote our own replies using lots of questions. We have also learnt the split digraphs 'e-e' and 'u-e'.

In maths, we have been continuing to add and subtract on a number line.

We really enjoyed our learning in science this week focusing on the signs of autumn and seasonal changes.

Friday 10th November 2023

It's been a very busy week in Year 1.

In English this week we have learnt about fire safety. We looked at information about fire safety and picked out the important parts. Then, we planned and wrote our own fire safety texts. 

In phonics we have learnt the split digraphs 'i-e' and 'o-e' in words like 'slide' and 'bone'.

In maths, we have been focusing on subtraction and fact families. We have worked out how to link addition and subtraction and started some work on subtracting on a number line.

Our science lesson this week was a bit disgusting! We investigated animal 'poo' and its contents, identifying whether it belonged to a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. 


Friday 3rd November 2023

This week in English, we have been learning how to develop descriptions using our senses. We wrote about what it would be like at a fireworks event, describing all of the different fireworks.

We have also focused on Black History and have learnt about American gymnast Simone Biles. We were all very impressed with her achievements.

In maths, we have been learning how to subtract. We used counters and drawings to work out how to subtract and what each symbol means.

We enjoyed our History lesson this week, learning all about who Guy Fawkes was and what happened during the Gunpowder Plot!

Friday 20th October 2023

In year 1 this week we have been very busy. We have read the book 'Pumpkin Soup' and been very creative in designing our own soups. These include: unicorn soup, chocolate soup, marshmallow soup and spider soup. Then, we wrote our own set of instructions using bossy words on how to make the soup.

In phonics, we have learnt the 'ea' sound in words like 'leaf', 'beach' and 'seal'.

In maths, we have been learning how to use systematic number bonds following a pattern, learning our number bonds to 10 and looking at different methods to add.

Our music lesson was super enjoyable this week! We learnt how to use a glockenspiel and perform a simple tune.

Friday 13th October2023

This week we have done some amazing writing! We planned and wrote our own versions of the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Some versions included: We're Going on a Tarantula Hunt, We're Going on a Monkey Hunt, and We're Going on a Lion Hunt. All the children have worked so hard on their stories. In phonics, we have been looking at the 'ie' sound in words like 'tie' and 'pie'.

In maths, we have learnt how to write number sentences for addition. We have also started to learn about fact families and how number sentences can be written in different ways.

We enjoyed our learning in history this week, learning all about how London was rebuilt after the Great Fire.

Friday 6th October 2023

In English this week we have started the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. We put actions to and learnt the story and then looked at repeating sentences and keywords. We also began to put our own adjectives in, for example: freezing, icy snow storm. In phonics, we have been looking at the 'oy' sound and learnt to read and spell words like 'boy', 'toy' and 'annoy'.

In maths, we have been focussing on parts and wholes. We have begun to split up numbers in different ways and have started to use language associated with addition.

In science, we were introduced to grouping animals. First, we chose our own ways to group animals. Then, we learnt some posh words, including reptiles and amphibians, to classify animals.

Friday 29th September 2023

What a busy week it's been! In English, we have written some amazing diary entries in the first person. We also learnt about adjectives and describing things using different words. We came up with lots of different words for 'big'. This week, we learnt our first level 5 sound: 'ay'. We have learnt lots of words using the 'ay' grapheme.

In maths, we have focused on using a number line, including ordering numbers on a number line and estimating the value of numbers on a number line.

We really enjoyed our science lesson this week. We continued learning about our senses and what it is like to lose one of our senses. We did lots of blindfolded challenges, including drawing, pouring a glass of water and finding our way around with some help from a friend.

Friday 22nd September 2023

In Year 1 this week, we have enjoyed learning lots of new things.

In English, we have continued learning how to write simple sentences with a full stop. We have also looked at Toby's diary entry and how we write sentences using 'I'. 

In maths, we have been ordering numbers focusing on the values.  We have also been looking at reading numbers as words.

Our science this week involved identifying and using our senses. We went on a sense walk around school. Unfortunately, the rain stopped us from getting outside this week! We also sorted some objects into the different senses.

Friday 15th September 2023

It has been a great week of learning in Year 1.

In English, we have been learning part of a story and writing some simple sentences to tell the story. The children have been very helpful, reminding Miss Jacob about her full stops. 

In maths, we have been comparing numbers and looking at number tracks and number lines. We also learnt how to use the inequality symbols.

We also had a great history lesson where we looked at the differences between the past and present. We looked at how photographs have changed and how buildings and transport looked different in the past.

Friday 8th September 2023

The children have enjoyed a lovely first week back and have settled into their new routines really well. I have been particularly impressed with their changing for PE! 

In English, we have been reading a book called 'Toby and the Great Fire of London'. We have learnt how to write a list and have looked at how to write a sentence using  full stop.

In maths, we have been learning about numbers to 10, looking at the composition and value of each number.

Well done everyone for a great first week!