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School Lunches

Our school lunches are provided by Chartwells and are available for all children from Reception to Year 6. Children from Reception to Year 2 are eligible for Universal Free School Meals and once children enter Year 3 they can continue with having hot lunches which are payable via ParentPay. 

For children who are entitled to Free School Meals then the hot meal service will continue for as long as they are eligible. If you think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals then please head to our Pupil Premium page where you can download a form for completion and submitting to the School Office. 

Menu choices for all years are made on a termly basis via the ParentPay website and the latest menus can be found below. Medical diets can be catered for and menus for these are available on request.

Information from Chartwells

Sickness - In the event that your child is absent from school due to sickness, the parent needs to call the Chartwells Customer Care Line on 01908 615705 before 9am every day of the child’s sickness. A credit note is given from the second day onwards.

Schools trips and other cancellations – 48 hours’ notice before 9am prior to the event the parent needs to call the Chartwells Customer Care Line in order for the meal to be cancelled and a credit note given.